Anatolian Eagle 2023

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"Анатолийский орел" планируется в мае в Турции.
Два споттерских дня и один для прессы
nternational Anatolian Eagle-2023 Training will be executed in 3rd Main Jet Base, Konya between 02 May-12 May 2023. “Media (Press) Day” will be held on May 8, 2023. “Spotters Days” will be held on 9 and 10 May ,2023.

Press members and spotter who wish to participate in the event should fill in the application form attached below and apply to Turkish Military Attache in their country until the 31th of March, 2023.

For more information about the application form and details, please read the “Application Details”. ... alien/1657

Планируется привезти два летающих F-104 Starfighter из штатов.

Вот как оно было два года назад: ... nnye-igry/